Smart Skills: Configuring Your Wattbox Outlets With OvrC

Video Transcript:

Between your kids' sports schedule and managing your fantasy football team, you have far too many things to keep track of. Remembering what's plugged into each WattBox outlet at a customer's home is simply too much to ask! When the juggle is real, use OvrC to manage the play calls by naming and configuring each Wattbox outlet.

To configure your WattBox outlets using OvrC, follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose the Project.

Step 2: Select Customer’s WattBox.

Step 3: Configure WattBox Outlets.

Step 1: Choose the Project.

After logging into OvrC using dealer credentials, from the customer list, select the Project.

Step 2: Select the Customer’s WattBox.

On the customer’s location dashboard, click the devices list and click on the WattBox.

Step 3: Configure WattBox Outlets.

On the WattBox page, click the configure tab. Next, under General Settings, click Outlet Options. Select the outlet name you wish to customize. Type the name of the device- in this case, “Living Room Roku.” This will help keep everything organized. Verify that the outlet is enabled under the outlet mode list. There’s also an option for a “power on delay.” Type or select the desired power on delay in seconds. This is commonly used to ensure that the modem is functional before the router and then the router before the switch. Once all outlets have been named, click Save. A green notification ribbon will appear in the top right corner of the screen to confirm the name has been saved.

Using OvrC to label Wattbox outlets will prevent a costly fumble, I mean... power cycle, when the game is down to the wire.